SERVISUM Konsular & Visum Agentur GmbH („SERVISUM“)
Legal Form and Commercial Register:
SERVISUM is a limited liability company under German Law, registered in the Commercial Register of the Amtsgericht (Local Court) of Hamburg register no. HRB 58184
Principal place of business:
Heilwigstraße 88, 20249 Hamburg, Germany
Telephone: 0049-30-340 00 60
Fax: 0049-30-341 09 78
Managing Directors with power of sole representation of the Company:
Frank A.E. Bigot (Hamburg office)
Frank J. Königk (tourism professional, Berlin office)
Katrin Heinzel (Berlin office)
vhi website:
The vhi website is operated for all consular and visa agencies associated with vhi („vhi Agencies“). The business purpose of the vhi Agencies consists of services regarding the procurement of regularisations and, above all, visas at embassies and consulates in the country of their respective place of business („Visa Service“). vhi does not provide any Visa Service. The exclusive providers and/or suppliers of the Visa Service are the vhi Agencies, to which SERVISUM also belongs.
The connection between SERVISUM and the other vhi Agencies is based on long-term and successful cooperation with vhi Agencies or on recommendations by international customers of SERVISUM. SERVISUM is not liable for the Visa Service provided by the other vhi Agencies. These agencies are fully independent also with respect to data protection.
SERVISUM does not accept liability for the contents of the vhi website despite careful research. This applies to the current nature and the completeness as well as quality of the contents.
Links published on the vhi website are researched and compiled with utmost care. But the editors of SERVISUM do not have any control over the current and future design and contents of the linked websites. The editors of SERVISUM are not responsible for the contents of the linked pages, nor do they claim ownership of such contents. Only the provider of the respective website that is linked is liable for illegal, faulty or incomplete contents as well as damage caused by the use or non-use of the information. The liability of the person who merely references the publication by means of a link is excluded unless such person has positive knowledge of unlawful or criminal content on the linked website and has the technical means, and can reasonably be expected, to prevent the use of such content.